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Privacy Policy

Barbizon is committed to protecting your privacy and the security of all information and data collection. To demonstrate this commitment, Barbizon has adopted the following privacy policy for this for its Web site, contests, promotions and all digital and print contact forms based on the principles of notice/awareness, choice/consent, access/participation and integrity/security in the collection and use of all information regarding this Web site’s users and their activities at this Web site. Please review this Privacy Policy each time you use this Web site as it is subject to change at any time by Barbizon without notice. It is your obligation to review this Privacy Policy from time to time. By accessing this Web site you are indicating your agreement to all of the terms of this Privacy Policy. Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be effective immediately upon posting to this Web site, The physical address for 3707 W Cherry St, Tampa, FL 33607 and its telephone number is +1 (888) 999-9404.


Barbizon collects contact, personal and registration information via this Web site and via print entry and interest forms to support its business operations. Barbizon may obtain such information and data from you actively and passively – as follows:

1. Actively: Information and Data Submitted by You

This Web site,, requests contact information (for example, your name, email and physical address) and personal information (for example, age and gender) when an individual user is either requesting more information or when registering for one of the contests and promotions offered by Barbizon. Additionally, information requests and contest entries submitted in print or over the phone request contact, personal and interest information. This information is stored in a database and may be used subsequently. By submitting your information you are opting in to receive communications from Barbizon and its affiliates and partners about programs and other products and services that may be of interest to you. This information and data will enable Barbizon to contact you should the need arise or to respond appropriately to any request or question you have about this Web site, products or services.

2. Passively: Information Collected by this Web site’s “Cookies” Feature

Barbizon will make use of this Web site’s “cookies” feature to help you use this Web site more easily. Barbizon may use the information collected by this Web site’s cookies in an aggregated form to measure number of visits, average time spent on this Web site, pages viewed, and other relevant statistics. Barbizon collects this information to measure the overall visitor traffic, use of this Web site and to improve the operation of this Web site. A “cookie” is a small data file that this Web site can send to the Internet browser you are using, which may then be stored on the hard drive or server of the computer you are using to help this Web site remember information about you when you return to this Web site, such as your preferences for this Web site and if you desire, your account identification. This Web site’s cookies do not read data from the hard drive of the computer you are using, read cookie files created by other Web sites, or track any personal information about you. You may have the option of setting the Internet browser (e.g., Google, Yahoo!, etc.) you are using to reject cookies however doing so may negatively impact upon the performance of this Web site or restrict Barbizon in better serving your use of this Web site. The “help” portion of the toolbar on most Internet browsers will tell you how to prevent the Internet browser you are using from accepting new cookies, how to have the Internet browser notify you when a new cookie is received, or how to disable the cookie feature altogether.


Barbizon acknowledges that users of this Web site, BARBIZON.STUDIO, about whom Barbizon collects contact and personal information via this Web site, and those that disclose contact or identifying information via print or verbal means, have certain legal rights concerning that information. BARBIZON.STUDIO users have a right to be told of their privacy rights (that are, for the sake of clarity, set out in this Privacy Policy) and Barbizon’s information collection practices via this Web site, in print or via phone. Users have a right to know what information Barbizon has collected about them via this Web site, and have the right to request removal of their contact and personal information collected by Barbizon via this Web site in order to not receive future communications from Barbizon. BARBIZON.STUDIO users also have a right to correct or change their contact and/or personal information in the database that Barbizon collects from this Web site. Further, parents/guardians (a) can review the information that Barbizon has collected from or about their children via the Web site, (b) prevent the further use or maintenance of such information, or (c) direct the removal of their children’s personal information. BARBIZON.STUDIO users have the following options for correcting, changing and removing contact and personal information from our database:

1. You may email the Webmaster at with Attn: Barbizon International in the subject line

2. You can mail or courier the following postal address: 3707 W Cherry St, Tampa, FL 33607, ATTN: Webmaster

3. You can call the following telephone number: +1 (888) 999-9404


Barbizon has security measures in place to endeavor to protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of the information collected via this Web site, BARBIZON.STUDIO, and maintained by Barbizon. To accomplish this, Barbizon uses protocols to transmit your contact information and data from the computer (including, but not limited to, a desktop or home computer, laptop, personal digital assistant (e.g., a BlackBerry), and/or portable or tablet computer) you are using to access this Web site’s server across the Internet. Barbizon cannot and are not responsible for maintaining your privacy once you leave this Web site.


We may share, or we may permit third-party online advertising networks, social media companies, and other third-party services, to collect information about your use of our Web sites over time so that they may play or display advertisements that may be relevant to your interests on other websites or apps, or on other devices you may use. Information that is shared may be may be provided by cookies or similar technologies, hashed data that is shared by the User, click information, and other information. Shared information is used for the purposes of providing relevant advertisements for products or services which the user has expressed an interest in as well as to users with similar traits, or interests. You may see these advertisements on social media platforms, web search platforms and others which allow interest-based advertising programs. These advertisements are governed by the privacy policies and terms & conditions of the web companies that provide them. At any time, a user may request additional information about products and services on BARBIZON.STUDIO by filling out a contact request form.

As a convenience to users of this Web site, Barbizon may include third party links on this Web site, BARBIZON.STUDIO, to third party Web sites or permit third parties Web sites to link to this Web site. Barbizon will attempt to only post links to Web sites that share Barbizon’s high standards and respect for the users’ privacy. If you provide any information or data to parties who operate Web sites that are linked to or from this Web site, different rules may apply to their collection, use or disclosure of your personal information and data, including information provided by you and collected by their Web sites’ cookies. Barbizon strongly encourages you to review such other Web sites’ privacy and legal policies before revealing any sensitive or personal information. Links to and/or from a third party Web site, whether provided by Barbizon or not, does not imply any affiliation between Barbizon and the third party’s Web site or its company, products or services, or an endorsement of such third party or its Web site. Barbizon may cancel any third party link at any time and may remove any link from this Web site upon request from the beneficial rights owner of the linked Web sites. Such requests should be sent to this Web site’s Webmaster. Barbizon is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such third party Web sites.

This Web site may advertise and promote the products and services of third parties. When you click on any banners or pop-ups or hyperlinks on this Web site, you must assume that information is being collected about you. Barbizon is not responsible for the use of any information and data collected in such a manner. You must also assume that (1) information and data will be collected, (2) that cookies will usually be placed by Web sites on the hard drive of the computer you are using, (3) that Barbizon has no control over what happens with such third party collection of your information and data, (4) that Barbizon takes no responsibility for the third party advertisers’, sponsors’ and/or vendors’ Web sites, (5) that Barbizon is not responsible for downloads from third party advertisers, sponsors and vendors that contain viruses or worms or other computer code that causes harm to the computer or software you are using, and (6) that Barbizon assumes no responsibility for the information and data that is garnered from the click itself or that the third party advertiser, sponsor and/or vendor collects.

Regardless of the precautions taken by Barbizon, Barbizon cannot and does not ensure or warrant the security of any information and data that you submit and transmit to Barbizon and/or is collected by this Web site’s cookies, at your own risk. Further, Barbizon assumes no responsibility for (1) any damage to computers or software that you are using to access this Web site or (2) any damage incurred by you or any person or entity you subsequently communicate with from corrupting code or data that is inadvertently passed to their computers.


This Web site is not directed to solicit random or personally identifiable information from children. The information that may be collected by Barbizon via this Web site from children age 13 or older interested in the programs offered by Barbizon or interested in having their parents/guardians registering them for the programs offered by Barbizon are used for program related purposes. Barbizon respects the privacy of children, and does not collect any more personal information about them as is reasonably necessary for the purposes of this Web site. Please note that parents/guardians may consent to the collection and use of information about their children without necessarily consenting to the disclosure of personal information to third parties. If a user of this Web site indicates at the introduction page that they are not age 13 or older, then Barbizon will only solicit and collect information from a parent or guardian pursuant to the directions automatically given to the user. Barbizon does not share children’s personally identifiable information with anyone other than those who provide support for the internal operations of the Web site and our agents (e.g., contractors who provide fulfillment, payment and registration services or technical support to the Web site. If you are concerned about your child’s use of this Web site, you may use Web site filtering technology to supervise or limit their access to this Web site or you can contact the Webmaster pursuant to the section above entitled: ‘CORRECTION, CHANGE AND REMOVAL OF INFORMATION’.


Barbizon may combine your personally identifying information, and information about your preferences, usage and activities, with those of all or a particular group of this Web site’s users to prepare collective profiles of this Web site’s users and their preferences, usage and activities for Barbizon’s internal use. For example, Barbizon may track the number of this Web site’s users who view certain pages or use certain features on this Web site or to track geographic trends. Such information and data, and other information Barbizon derives from this Web site’s individual users’ information and data, allows Barbizon to continue to develop and provide you with quality information and data through more accurate marketing and advertising of this Web site. Barbizon may share aggregated information concerning this Web site’s users, without attribution of personal information, to Barbizon’s sponsors, vendors, advertisers, affiliates and other companies with whom Barbizon conducts business.


Barbizon will comply with any court order or other requirement of law that requires Barbizon to disclose or not disclose the information that you provide to Barbizon via this Web site. Otherwise, Barbizon may disclose your personal information that you provide or that this Web site collects via cookies such as your name, address, email address, telephone number, account numbers, etc. to third parties. Barbizon may lease, license, sublicense, rent, transfer, disclose, disseminate or otherwise grant access to the information, and data that you provide to Barbizon or that this Web site’s cookies collects from you, to persons outside of Barbizon.


Use only secure Web sites when disclosing your personally identifiable information. Secure pages generally begin with “https”. Avoid easy to decode (that is, easy to figure out) access codes (e.g., your name) and/or personal ID numbers. Never respond to unsolicited requests for your social security number or your financial data. Do not disclose your passwords to this Web site (if any) or your account information to any other person or entity.


If you send a person or entity an email from this Web site, or if you email this Web site’s URL, you must assume that some data is collected about Internet Protocol address that you are using and/or your email address and that of the person or entity to whom you sent the email. You must assume that referred emails or Web site pages may appear to come from your email. You must accept full responsibility for referring emails and Web site pages to such person’s and entities agree to indemnify Barbizon for any damages, intentional or unintentional, that result from said emails and URL referrals.


By opting in to receive text messages (“the Messages”) is governed by the terms and conditions below. Use of the Messages constitutes your acceptance of these terms, which take effect when you sign up for the Messages. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not sign up for the Messages.

1. You must be at least 13 years old to use the Messages, and if you are under 18 (in the U.S.), your parent or guardian must have read and agreed to these terms before you subscribe.

2. BARBIZON does not charge for the Messages, but your carrier’s standard messaging charges apply. You agree that you are responsible for paying your carrier’s charges to use the Messages or, if you are under 18 (in the U.S.), that you have permission to use the Messages from the adult responsible for paying the carrier’s charges.

3. BARBIZON reserves the right to change these terms or cancel the Messages at any time. Please check these terms on a regular basis for changes. Your continued use of the Messages after changes are posted will mean that you accept the terms as modified by the posted changes.

4. To unsubscribe at any time, simply text the word “STOP,” or “UNSUBSCRIBE,” to the number that you wish to stop receiving messages from. You can also e-mail to unsubscribe. If you require assistance, want additional information, or have questions about Messages, e-mail

5. By subscribing to the Messages, you acknowledge you agree that we may text you to request additional contact information. By providing us with additional contact information, you are opting in to receive e-mails, phone calls or direct messages about our campaigns, events and activities, alerts, and more.

6. BARBIZON makes no representations or warranties whatsoever regarding the Messages. BARBIZON hereby disclaims all warranties, including any implied representations or warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

7. BARBIZON shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, incidental, punitive, or any other damages, even if BARBIZON has been advised of the possibility of such damage or loss, arising or resulting from or in any way relating to your use of the Messages.

8. You expressly agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless BARBIZON, its directors, officers, employees, servants, agents, representatives, independent contractors, and affiliates from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, actions, causes of action, costs, expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees), judgments, or penalties of any kind or nature whatsoever arising from your use of the Messages.


This Privacy Policy is governed by the internal substantive laws of the State of Florida in the United States, without regard to its conflict of laws principles. Jurisdiction for any disputes, controversies and claims arising under, in connection with, or out of this Privacy Policy shall lie exclusively with the state and federal courts within the State of Florida in the United States. If any provision of this Privacy Policy is found to be invalid by a court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this Privacy Policy, which shall remain in full force and effect. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL BARBIZON HAVE ANY LIABILITY WHATSOEVER FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR SPECIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY, HOWEVER OCCASIONED.

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